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43 products

  • Sold out
    Cuvée Villa Kellermann 2012
    Cuvée Villa Kellermann 2012
    Sold Out

    6 x Cuvée Villa Kellermann 2018

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    6 x Cuvée á 0.75 l
    Cuvée Villa Kellermann 2018

    Für das altehrwürdige Restaurant Villa Kellermann hat Tim Raue bodenständige Gerichte kreiert. Die von Potsdam und Brandenburg inspiriert sind und modern interpretiert werden. Die dazu passenden Getränke wurden in Zusammenarbeit mit André Macionga ausgewählt. Sein exquisiter Geschmack, seine Expertise und seine Experimentierfreude finden sich in Andre Maciongas außergewöhnlichen Cuvées wieder. Zusammen mit dem kleinen, feinen Champagnerhaus Adam-Mereaux hat André Macionga exklusiv für die Villa Kellermann einen Champagner geschaffen. Die Cuvée Villa Kellermann, Extra Brut, 3g Dosage, Jahrgang 2012, verbreitet am Gaumen eine strahlende Frische. In Verbindung mit seiner knackigen Säure sorgt das für eine elegante Spannung. Töne von Holunderblüte und grünem Apfel vermitteln im Abgang ein bezauberndes Gefühl von Gelassenheit. Als ob man von der Terrasse auf den Heiligensee blicken würde.


    98,00  / l

  • 45,00 

    Pialini 2018

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    Limited edition, 1200 bottles An initially calm, but consistent fireworks display of fresh citrus notes and a creamy texture. With a little time, the quiet fireworks will turn into an increasingly dense harmony of different facets full of joy in enjoyment.

    60,00  / l

  • 45,00 

    Prachtsbock 2019

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    Limited edition, 730 bottles, numbert This variety of freshness, straight lines and never ending length is our revelation for high quality Riesling. First pineapple then quince then ... and then ... After each tasting, a new member of the aroma of this unique wine is presented to us.

    60,00  / l

  • 45,00 

    Randito 2018

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    Limited edition, 1200 bottles Randito is a very classy, young, sometimes wild wine. At first it presents itself very loudly and with its intense tannin structure it asks for a little more time. A wine like a little journey of strength of character, courage and future.

    60,00  / l

  • 57,00 

    Riesling Cuvée Prestige 2018

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    A crazy cross-section of different soils and styles from the best Moselle locations, which can be experienced as an interpretation in a glass in this Cuvée Prestige. Fascinating how the taste is enhanced by verbena on the sides. Together with salt, breed and flavor, the fresh acidity and minerality make for a constantly recurring flow of drinking.

    76,00  / l

  • 45,00 

    Riesling von den Großen Lagen 2019

    Limited edition, 1200 bottles, numbert The wondrous interplay of acidity and mild freshness balances this fine dry wine and gives it a salty finish. It borders on absurdity: on the palate, the Riesling indicates that it has an extract. But in contrast to most of the Kabinett, which is carried by the sweetness, this wine is carried by the terroir, by the minerality. It's like a race between saltiness and extract, which generate a long-lasting swallowing experience on the acid racecourse. It stays and stays and stays.

    60,00  / l

  • 45,00 

    Riesling von den Rheingauer Brunnenlagen 2019

    Limited edition, 1200 bottles, numbert Fruit and terroir meet at eye level in the first nose. A slight hint of the exotic accompanies the typical fine Rheingau cut. On the palate, the Riesling presents itself dry, fresh, crystal clear - almost crystal clear with dominating grapefruit aromas. Subtle additional citrus notes provide a nice balance of freshness. This wine has a completely unique style. Aromas of grapefruit, orange zest, tangerine and lime zest fill the air. On the contrary, we experience saltiness and green olives.

    60,00  / l

  • 156,00 

    Kamanima 2016

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    Limited edition, 860 bottles, numbered Roast aromas in the nose and on the palate. In combination with fully dense notes of cassis, leather and light plum tones, the result is an excitingly dancing aromatic play. Even with just a small sip, the sensation on the palate is extremely mouth-filling, without appearing oily or over-extracted.

    208,00  / l

  • 156,00 

    Kamanima 2017

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    Limited edition, 860 bottles, numbered Flinty aromas on the nose and on the palate. In combination with liquorice, blueberry and blackberry tones, the result is an exciting, prancing play of aromas. Even with just a small sip, the sensation on the palate is extremely mouth-filling, without appearing oily or over-extracted.

    208,00  / l

  • Macionga Adam Mereaux

    6 x L’Étoile de Berru

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    6 x Champagner Cuvée á 0.75 L 1. L’Étoile de Berru – Coteaux Champenois 2019 2. L’Étoile de Berru – Extra Brut – Zero Dosage 2017 3. L’Étoile de Berru 2011 4. L’Étoile de Berru – Vieille Vigne 2011 5. L’Étoile de Berru 2010 6. L’Étoile de Berru – Réserve 2009
  • 183,00 

    Kamanima 2015

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    Limited edition, 507 bottles, numbered Despite its youthful age, this wine is already a wine of character. Full-bodied, spicy and masculine, you can sense its longevity. Also in the future "Kamanima" will remain an impressive pleasure.

    244,00  / l

  • Kollektion 1 André Macionga

    Kollektion 1

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    6 x Cuvée á 0.75 L, Limited Edition, 150 pieces 1. Red wine Cuvée | Markus Schneider | Kamanima 2015 2. Red wine Cuvée | Klostermühle Odernheim | Komplex19 2016 3. White wine Cuvée | Horst Sauer | Es ist wie es ist 2015 4. White wine Cuvée | Horst Sauer | Es ist wie es ist 2014 5. White wine Cuvée | Klostermühle Odernheim | Nymphe vom Montfort 2016 6. White wine Cuvée | Neverland | Unartig 2016
  • Kollektion 2 André Macionga

    Kollektion 2

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    6 x Cuvée á 0.75 L, Limited Edition, 300 pieces

    1. Red wine Cuvée | Markus Schneider | Kamanima 2016
    2. Red wine Cuvée | Klostermühle Odernheim | Komplex19 2017
    3. White wine Cuvée | Horst Sauer | Es ist wie es ist 2016
    4. White wine Cuvée | Dreissigacker | Freigeist 2017
    5. White wine Cuvée | Klostermühle Odernheim | Nymphe vom Montfort 2017
    6. White wine Cuvée | Neverland | Unartig 2017

  • Kollektion 3 André Macionga

    Kollektion 3

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    6 x Cuvée á 0.75 L, Limited Edition, 300 pieces 1. Red wine Cuvée | Markus Schneider | Kamanima 2017 2. Red wine Cuvée | Klostermühle Odernheim | Komplex19 2018 3. White wine Cuvée | Horst Sauer | Es ist wie es ist 2017 4. White wine Cuvée | Dreissigacker | Freigeist 2018 5. White wine Cuvée | Klostermühle Odernheim | Nymphe vom Montfort 2017 6. White wine Cuvée | Neverland | Unartig 2018
  • 85,00 

    L’Étoile de Berru – Coteaux Champenois 2019

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    Limited edition, 1000 bottles A wine for connoisseurs, in which Burgundian freshness is paired with the coolness of Champagne. The crisp acidity of the best Chardonnay grapes celebrates a jamming with mint and pineapple notes on a very subtle level. Graceful and classic, texturally aromatic broad. This Coteaux Champenois combines so many aromas, so gentle herbal notes, so delicate fruit blossoms, this is a diverse and very challenging affair that can only be recommended for lovers.

    113,33  / l

  • 98,00 

    L’Étoile de Berru – Extra Brut – Zero Dosage 2017

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    Limited edition, 500 bottles The champagne creates a vibrant feeling on the palate and is an immediate bubbling inspiration. The play of freshness and vinosity forms an exciting alternation and blends with light brioche tones and green apple. The lightness, a dancing brizzle, completes the picture and gives "L'Étoile de Berru" an irresistible drinking flow. This year was very challenging. Due to a warm and humid autumn, it was necessary to harvest very quickly and sort them very carefully. Adam-Mereaux succeeded with clean and ripe Chardonnay grapes of the highest quality. A particularly amazing atypical vintage! André Macionga is fascinated by a "noble pearl that permeates us green. We lie in the dry hay and eat young pears, sniff unripe melons and enjoy the view of the freshness."

    130,67  / l

  • Sold out
    Sold Out

    L’Étoile de Berru – Réserve 2009

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    Limited edition, 1500 bottles A warm year of impeccable quality that offers an intense and full-bodied Chardonnay. Notes of yellow fruits, a creamy mouthfeel and buttery aromas manifest a fleshy and sunny Blanc de Blancs. This extraordinary reserve matured in the cellar for eight years before being put on the bottle. The best well-deserved reserve for you!

    104,00  / l

  • Sold out
    Sold Out

    L’Étoile de Berru – Vieille Vigne 2011

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    Limited edition, 1200 bottles An early, happy harvest in August 2011 with a rapid ripeness enables a very fresh Chardonnay to be kept. The "Star of Berru - Old Vines" is expressed in its tension and a wonderful minerality that retains a meaty character! A champagne that bears fruit for a long time in the mouth and this beautiful acidity of the best hand-picked Chardonnay grapes expressing more than 45 years old vines.

    130,67  / l

  • 89,00 

    L’Étoile de Berru 2010

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    Limited edition, 2100 bottles The champagne creates a vibrant feeling on the palate and is an immediate bubbling inspiration. The play of freshness and vinosity forms an exciting alternation and blends with light brioche tones and green apple. The lightness, a dancing brizzle, completes the picture and gives "L'Étoile de Berru" an irresistible drinking flow.

    118,67  / l

  • 57,00 

    L’Étoile de Berru 2011

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    Limited edition, 2100 bottles Many say it was a nightmare, some were in heaven. Adam-Mereaux believes that 2011 is one of the best vintages! The grapes were harvested in the right place and at the right time with exceptional quality. So this champagne had more than one lucky hand. We are lucky! “The dense texture is still pretty fresh. Mrs. Quince talks to Mr. Elder while Miss Butter caramelises the young onions. Some green apples are singing, and light rays of anise brighten our mood. À la votre! “ says Monsieur Macionga happily.

    76,00  / l

  • Sold out
    Sold Out

    L’Étoile de Berru 2018

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    Limitierte Edition, 2100 Flaschen Viele sagen, es sei ein Albtraum gewesen, einige waren im Himmel. Adam-Mereaux glaubt, dass 2018 zu den besten Jahrgängen zählt! Die Trauben wurden am richtigen Ort und zur richtigen Zeit in außergewöhnlicher Qualität geerntet. Dieser Champagner hatte also mehr als eine glückliche Hand. Wir glücklichen! „Die dichte Textur ist noch ziemlich frisch. Frau Quitte spricht mit Herrn Holunder während Fräulein Butter die jungen Zwiebeln karamellisiert. Einige grüne Äpfel singen, und leichte Anisstrahlen erhellen unsere Stimmung. À la votre! “ jubelt Monsieur Macionga glücklich.

    76,00  / l

  • 66,00 

    Komplex19 2017

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    Limited edition, 3500 bottles, hand signed and numbered Restrained burgundy tones with a wide range of aromas. It carries an incredibly animating acidity and a great play of cherry notes. The fullness and concentration presents itself soft and silky on one side and racy and spicy on the other - the wine is very uplifting.

    88,00  / l

  • 57,00 

    Komplex19 2018

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    Limited edition, 3500 bottles, hand signed and numbered Restrained burgundy tones with a wide range of aromas. It carries an incredibly animating acidity and a great play of cherry notes. The fullness and concentration presents itself soft and silky on one side and racy and spicy on the other - the wine is very uplifting.

    76,00  / l

  • Sold out
    Sold Out

    Komplex19 2016

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    Limited edition, 1700 bottles, hand signed and numbered An aroma image that brings classical music to mind. An enthralling symphony of red fruits. The addition of violets and a little blackberry creates a fusion with a hint of sulphur. A veritable firework of aromas.

    88,00  / l

  • Sold out
    Sold Out

    Es ist wie es ist No. 6 2016

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    Limited edition, 2800 bottles, numbered An aromatic roller coaster ride at the limit. Here the orchestra plays at the highest volume right from the beginning. Above all, the play of textures, which is presented differently every few minutes, is unique.

    117,33  / l

  • Sold out
    Sold Out

    Es ist wie es ist No. 7 2017

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    Limited edition, 1200 bottles Beautifully present right on the palate, the seventh Es Ist Wie Es Ist shows its complex individual skills. With a light nuttiness, salty orange zest and caramelized pineapple, the potpourri of extraordinary aromas is combined with the earthy, stony flavor of the terroir. That is the peculiarity of the No. 7, here, despite the abundance of exoticism, the terroir idea of ​​the Escherndorfer Lump comes out.

    76,00  / l

  • Sold out
    Sold Out

    Es ist wie es ist No. 8 2018

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    Limited edition, 1200 bottles Beautifully present right on the palate, the seventh Es Ist Wie Es Ist shows its complex individual skills. With a light nuttiness, salty orange zest and caramelized pineapple, the potpourri of extraordinary aromas is combined with the earthy, stony flavor of the terroir. That is the peculiarity of the No. 8, here, despite the abundance of exoticism, the terroir idea of ​​the Escherndorfer Lump comes out.

    76,00  / l

  • 69,00 

    Es ist wie es ist Nr. 9 2019

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    Limitierte Edition, 1200 Flaschen Kumpquat tanzt mit Passionsfrucht. Rauchiger Tabak begleitet vom nassen Torf strömt mit dezenter Vanille. Am Gaumen tänzeln ätherische Minze, Verbene und Limettenblätter. Der Wein bekommt mit Luft immer mehr Schmelz ohne satt zu machen. Junge frische Mandarine. Ein Mix aus Frische und Fülle. Dampf und Power aber nicht fett. Die Bitterstoffe regen einen krassen Gaumenfluss an und lassen nach mehr schreien.

    92,00  / l

  • 156,00 

    Es ist wie es ist 2015

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    Limited edition, 3306 bottles, numbered An almost shrill scream on the palate of exoticism, youthfulness and at the same time also maturity. A wine that seems to want to lead us astray with endless drinking fun.

    208,00  / l

  • 159,00 

    Es ist wie es ist No. 4 2014

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    Limited edition, 110 bottles Seasoning, fruit, wax ... everything stands in line as a welcoming committee. A full, rapid aroma intensity that challenges our palate to grasp the variety.

    106,00  / l

  • Sold out
    Sold Out

    Es ist wie es ist 2013

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    Limited edition, 59 bottles A wine that tells us after the first sip that it has enough complexity for hundreds of individual wines. Shaped by race, emotions and positive energy.

    114,00  / l

  • Sold out
    Sold Out

    Es ist wie es ist 2012

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    Limited edition, 37 bottles Ein Wein, der uns aromatisch, visuell und gedanklich mit auf eine spannende Reise nimmt. Jede Nuance ist ein neues Abenteuer und eine neue Erfahrung.

    122,00  / l

  • 66,00 

    Nymphe vom Montfort 2017

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    Limited edition, 3500 bottles, hand signed and numbered The wine wets our throats with a silky drinking sensation and becomes more self-confident and courageous with every sip. Despite everything, the Nymphe exudes calm and flows like a glacier down the palate.

    88,00  / l

  • 57,00 

    Nymphe vom Montfort 2018

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    Limited edition, 3500 bottles, hand signed and numbered A liquid beauty that immediately enchants us and never lets go. The fine freshness and minerality are paired with a wonderful breadth that completely takes our taste buds.

    76,00  / l

  • Sold out
    Sold Out

    Nymphe vom Montfort 2016

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    Limited edition, 1500 bottles, hand signed and numbered A subtle wine with a dense texture that plays a Burgundian symphony with its clarity. Minerality, light fruit and subtle herbal tones invite you to a crazy ballet.

    88,00  / l

  • Sold out
    Unartig 2017 Neverland
    Unartig 2017 Neverland
    Sold Out

    Unartig 2017

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    Limited edition, 2400 bottles, hand signed and numbered A wine that knows how to be heard. The Naughty 2017 exudes incredible joie de vivre and positive energy, which encourages us to enjoy another glass.

    77,33  / l

  • Unartig 2016 Neverland
    Unartig 2016 Neverland

    Unartig 2018

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    Limited edition, 2400 bottles, hand signed and numbered A bouquet full of density and class. In this warm vintage, Naughty shows us that despite the abundance, he prances down our throats carefully and calmly.

    73,33  / l

  • Unartig 2016 Neverland
    Unartig 2016 Neverland

    Unartig 2016

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    Limited edition, 3094 bottles, hand signed and numbered The wine presents itself very direct at the beginning and shows that the name says it all. Fruity, earthy and exotic aroma colors complete the taste profile.

    81,33  / l

  • 57,00 

    Freigeist 2017

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    Limited edition, 2240 bottles, hand signed and numbered Very straightforward aromas flash impressively to the palate at lightning speed. A true feast for the senses, which is celebrated full of zest for action.

    76,00  / l

  • 57,00 

    Freigeist 2018

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    Limited edition, 2240 bottles, hand signed and numbered A drinking flow full of volume and complexity. The whole thing is drawn into a never-ending length by a slender, delicate acidity. The wine will give us a lot of joy now and in the years to come.

    76,00  / l

  • 126,00 

    Freigeist 2017

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    Limited edition, 50 bottles, hand signed and numbered Very straightforward aromas flash impressively to the palate at lightning speed. A true feast for the senses, which is celebrated full of zest for action.

    84,00  / l

  • Macionga Hilda 2017
    Weinflasche Hilda

    6 x Hilda 2017

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        Limited edition, 6000 bottles Fabric with a direct line and yet extremely elegant. The interplay of body and acidity results in a highly complex aroma, which beautifully reflects the origin. The freshness and the spiciness never appear satiating, so that a pleasant drinking flow is created.

    24,00  / l

  • Weinflasche Hilda
    Weinflasche Hilda

    Hilda 2017

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    Limited edition, 6000 bottles Fabric with a direct line and yet extremely elegant. The interplay of body and acidity results in a highly complex aroma, which beautifully reflects the origin. The freshness and the spiciness never appear satiating, so that a pleasant drinking flow is created.

    24,00  / l
